English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

English Idioms

Idioms are the sparkling gems of the English language, offering a glimpse into its cultural depth and creative spirit. They transform ordinary phrases into extraordinary expressions, where meaning leaps beyond literal words. For example, piece of cake charmingly conveys ease, while spill the beans intriguingly means to reveal a secret.

Our collection invites you to explore the nuanced tapestry of English. Consider breaking the ice an idiom that describes initiating conversation in an awkward or tense situation, or hit the nail on the head, meaning to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.

English idioms add a unique flavor to conversations, turning mundane dialogue into engaging storytelling. Understanding idioms is like unlocking a secret code of the language, revealing humor, wisdom, and history.

Unravel these linguistic treasures. Each phrase is an adventure, and every expression is a window into the human experience.

Point out

The idiom "point out" means to draw attention to something, often by indicating it with a gesture or word. It can also mean to make a noticeable change or difference, to emphasize an important point or feature, or to highlight an error or mistake.

Good egg

The idiom "good egg" refers to someone who is kind, honest, reliable, and generally well-liked by others. It's often used to describe a person who has a good character and is trustworthy.

Crack up

The idiom "crack up" means to laugh uncontrollably, usually until one is on the verge of tears or sobbing. It can also mean to burst into pieces or to be destroyed or ruined.

The devil is in the detail

The idiom "the devil is in the detail" means that when trying to solve a problem or achieve something, it's important to pay close attention to all the small details.

Hobson’s choice

Hobson's choice is an idiom that means having only one option to choose from, or being forced to make a decision without any real alternatives.