English Idioms

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Variety is the spice of life


The idiom "variety is the spice of life" means that having a variety of experiences, people, and activities can make life more interesting, enjoyable, and fulfilling. It suggests that monotony and predictability can be boring and uninspiring, while diversity and novelty can bring excitement and growth.


  • "I've been feeling stuck in my daily routine lately, but I realized that variety is the spice of life and I need to try new things."
  • "Our vacation was so much more fun because we tried out different restaurants and activities instead of just sitting on the beach all day."
  • "My friend who never travels complains about how boring his life is, but I can't imagine not experiencing new cultures and sights."
  • "She loves to try out different hobbies and interests, and she always says that variety is the spice of life."
  • "The teacher encouraged us to vary our learning methods by incorporating group work, presentations, and hands-on activities."

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom can be traced back to medieval times when spices were expensive and rare commodities that only the wealthy could afford. Spices such as pepper, cinnamon, and nutmeg were not just used for flavoring food but also had medicinal and aphrodisiac qualities. The phrase "variety is the spice of life" was used to emphasize the importance of having a variety of experiences to keep things interesting and exciting. Over time, the idiom has evolved to include a broader range of factors beyond just sensory experiences. It now encompasses social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual diversity as well. The phrase has become more metaphorical and less tied to specific spices or commodities.

Synonyms in English

  • "Diversity is the seasoning of life"
  • "Mix it up"
  • "Spice things up"
  • "Break the mold"
  • "Change it up"

Synonyms in other languages

  • "La diversité est l'épice de la vie" (French) - This French phrase translates to "Diversity is the spice of life". It has a similar meaning and emphasis on variety as the English idiom.
  • "Varenje je život" (Croatian) - This Croatian phrase means "Life is fun" and emphasizes the importance of enjoying oneself and having a good time.
  • "La vita è varia e bella" (Italian) - This Italian phrase translates to "Life is varied and beautiful". It highlights the beauty and enjoyment that can come from experiencing different things.
  • "Varietas vivendi" (Latin) - This Latin phrase means "Variety of living". It emphasizes the importance of variety in all aspects of life, from work to leisure activities.
  • "Ein bunter Leben ist lieb" (German) - This German phrase translates to "A colorful life is loved". It highlights the joy and pleasure that can come from having a diverse range of experiences and relationships.

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