English Idioms

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In broad daylight


The idiom "in broad daylight" refers to a situation where something is happening openly, publicly, and without any concealment or secrecy. It can also indicate that an action is being taken with no fear of retaliation or harm.


  • The police arrested the thief in broad daylight, right in front of everyone on the street.
  • He proposed to her in broad daylight, without any hesitation or nervousness.
  • She made a mistake in broad daylight and everyone saw it happen.
  • They had an argument in broad daylight, with no thought of what others would think.
  • The company announced its profits in broad daylight, without any attempt to hide the information.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "in broad daylight" can be traced back to medieval times when people would hold public trials and executions during the daytime. These events were meant to be transparent and open to everyone, hence the phrase "in broad daylight." Over time, the phrase has come to refer to any situation where something is happening in a public and visible way.

Synonyms in English

  • In plain sight
  • Out in the open
  • In full view 4. In public view 5. Without hiding or concealing

Synonyms in other languages

  • En plein air (French) - Literally means "in the open air" and refers to a situation where something is happening openly and publicly.
  • På offentliga platsen (Swedish) - Translates to "on public places" and has a similar meaning as the English idiom.
  • Адресною светлостью (Russian) - Literally means "by direction of sunlight" and refers to a situation where something is happening in full view of others.
  • Під світлом дня (Polish) - Translates to "under the light of day" and has a similar meaning as the English idiom.
  • 在闪烁中 (Chinese) - Literally means "in flashing light" and refers to a situation where something is happening openly and publicly, without any attempts to hide or conceal it.

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