English Idioms

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Shed light


The idiom "shed light" means to provide information or clarification about something that was previously unclear or unknown. It can also mean to bring attention to a particular issue or problem, often in a way that exposes it for what it truly is.


  • The journalist's investigation shed light on the government's corruption scandals.
  • The new employee's expertise shed light on how to improve the company's operations.
  • The politician's speech shed light on their true intentions for the country.
  • The whistleblower's testimony shed light on the company's dishonest practices.
  • The movie's plot twists shed light on the characters' motivations and actions. The usage of "shed light" can vary depending on the context, as it can be used in a positive or negative way. For example, it can bring attention to something good or positive, such as the government's corruption scandals being exposed, or it can bring attention to something bad or negative, such as the politician's true intentions for the country.

Roots and History

The idiom "shed light" has been used in English since at least the early 19th century. It comes from the literal meaning of shedding light, which is to release light from something that was previously blocking it. This concept has been used metaphorically to mean revealing or bringing attention to something that was previously unknown or unclear. There have been some changes in usage over time, as new technologies and forms of communication have emerged. For example, the rise of social media and the internet has given people more ways to share information and shed light on issues than ever before.

Synonyms in English

  • Illuminate
  • Illuminate
  • Reveal
  • Expose
  • Bring to light

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "Iluminar" - To illuminate or shed light on something
  • French: "Éclairer" - To enlighten or shed light on something
  • German: "Auffinden" - To find out or discover something
  • Italian: "Illuminare" - To enlighten or shed light on something
  • Japanese: "明めく" - To make clear or reveal something

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