English Idioms

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24/7 (twenty-four-seven)


The idiom "24/7" (or "twenty-four-seven") means continuously or at all times. It is a colloquial way of saying that something is always available or happening.


  • I need to be available 24/7 for customer support.
  • The gym is open 24/7, so you can work out whenever suits you best.
  • My boss expects me to be at work 24/7 during the busy season.
  • We're having a party tonight that will go on until 24/7.
  • The emergency services are always available 24/7, so don't hesitate to call if you need help. The usage of "24/7" can vary depending on the context. It can be used to refer to anything from a person's availability to an event or activity that is happening continuously.

Roots and History

The idiom "24/7" has its roots in the early days of telecommunications when operators were required to work around the clock. The phrase was used to describe the continuous nature of their work, with both the letters "2" and "4" representing a full cycle (i.e., 24 hours) and the hyphen indicating that it was always on. Over time, the idiom has evolved to refer to anything that is happening continuously or available at all times. It is now commonly used in business, sports, entertainment, and everyday life.

Synonyms in English

  • Non-stop
  • Continuous
  • Uninterrupted
  • Persistent
  • Incessant

Synonyms in other languages

  • Arabic: خاتر الشقسة (khater al-shiqsat) - This means "before the hour" and is used to describe something that happens before the scheduled time.
  • German: Um die Uhr (um die uhr) - This means "around the clock" and is used to describe a continuous period of time.
  • French: 24/7 (twenty-four-seven) - This means "at all times" and has the same meaning as the English idiom.
  • Spanish: A lo largo de la noche (a lo largo de la noche) - This means "throughout the night" and is used to describe a continuous period of time.
  • Italian: Tutto il giorno (tutto il giorno) - This means "all day" and is used to describe something that happens or is available throughout the day.

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