English Idioms

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A chain is only as strong as its weakest link


The idiom "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" means that the overall strength or effectiveness of a group, system, or organization depends on the individual members' strength or competence. Just like a physical chain, if one link is weak or broken, it can compromise the entire chain.


  • The team was successful because each member contributed their unique skills and strengths, making them a formidable force.
  • A company's success often depends on its employees, and if one person slacks off, it can negatively impact the entire organization.
  • The city council's decision to invest in infrastructure has improved the quality of life for residents, but their efforts may be undone if politicians don't keep up the momentum.
  • If a student fails one class, it doesn't necessarily mean they will fail all of them, but it can make getting good grades more challenging.
  • A computer system is only as reliable as its weakest component, and if one part fails, it can cause the entire system to crash.

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom dates back to the 18th century, where it was commonly used in engineering and construction. In these fields, chains were often used to hold heavy objects or support weighty structures. If one link in the chain failed, the entire structure could collapse. The phrase gained popularity in business and politics as a metaphor for how the success of a system or organization depends on the individual parts' strength and competence.

Synonyms in English

  • A whole is only as strong as its weakest part.
  • If one person fails, everyone else will suffer.
  • The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
  • A system is only as effective as its weakest component.
  • A team's success depends on its members' strengths and weaknesses.

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish, "la cadena es solo fuerte como su parte más débil."
  • In French, "la chaîne n'est forte que par ses liens les plus faibles."
  • In Italian, "la catena è solo forte come il suo link più debole."
  • In Portuguese, "a cadeira é apenas forte como sua parte mais fraca."
  • In German, "Die Kette ist nur stark, wenn der schwächste Link sie unterstützt."

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