English Idioms

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A drop in the ocean


The idiom "a drop in the ocean" is used to describe a person or object that makes a very small impact on something, especially compared to what was expected. It suggests that the thing being described is insignificant or has no real effect. The phrase itself comes from the idea of a single drop of water in a large body of water.


  • His arrival at the party was like a drop in the ocean - no one really noticed him.
  • She spent her entire life trying to make a difference in the world, but it felt like she was just a drop in the ocean.
  • The new CEO's vision for the company was a breath of fresh air - a drop in the ocean after years of stagnation.
  • His contributions to the project were minimal at best - just a drop in the ocean compared to those of his colleagues.
  • The storm caused widespread damage, but it was just a drop in the ocean compared to what could have been. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. For example, it can be used to describe someone or something that is completely inconsequential, or it can be used to convey the idea that the person or thing being described has no real power or influence.

Roots and History

The phrase "a drop in the ocean" first appeared in the 19th century in various forms. It was often used to describe something that was insignificant compared to what was expected, such as a single person's contribution to a project. Over time, the phrase became more widely used and its meaning expanded to include anything that had a small impact on something larger.

Synonyms in English

  • A small fish in a big sea
  • A speck of dust in the grand scheme of things
  • A grain of sand on the beach
  • A pebble in the shoe
  • A flea bite in the grand scheme of things

Synonyms in other languages

  • Un pequeño grano de arena en la playa (Spanish)
  • 一小個兒子在海洋中 (Chinese)
  • 하나의 물론이에요(Korean)
  • מרסולבן זעטים בשנים חיים (Hebrew)
  • אַחְד מִקֵֶּל בְאַשֵׂר כֶּתְבַי כֶּל־הצוֹנים על אֶת־רְפְּנוּ יותר עַל־חַיות שַׁנים חַיִּים (Hebrew)

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