English Idioms

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A nod is as good as a wink


"A nod is as good as a wink" is an idiom that means to acknowledge or agree with something, usually without saying anything directly. It can also imply that someone has given their tacit approval or consent for something, even if they don't express it verbally. The phrase suggests that a slight nod of the head, which is a non-verbal gesture, can convey the same meaning as a more overt wink.


Here are five different sentences using "a nod is as good as a wink" in different contexts:

  • When asked if she was happy to hear that her boss had quit, Mary simply nodded and gave a small smile. It was clear that she was relieved but didn't want to seem like she was gloating.
  • At the meeting, John raised his hand to speak but was interrupted by his colleague's comment. He nodded in agreement, acknowledging that the idea was good, even if he had some reservations.
  • When her neighbor introduced her to his cat, Jane simply nodded and gave a pet. She didn't want to appear rude or unfriendly, but she wasn't particularly fond of cats.
  • The mayor gave a nod of approval to the community center's proposal to expand their facilities. It was clear that he was in favor of the plan, even if he didn't want to say it outright.
  • At the bar, the bartender spotted a group of strangers sitting together and nodded to the hostess, who approached them to take their orders. It was his way of signaling that they were welcome, even if he hadn't met them before.

Roots and History

The phrase "a nod is as good as a wink" dates back at least to the 17th century, when it appeared in print for the first time in a collection of proverbs in 1670. It has since become a common idiom used in both spoken and written English. Over time, the meaning and usage of the idiom have remained largely consistent. However, there may be regional variations or differences in interpretation depending on cultural context or personal experience.

Synonyms in English

Here are three synonyms for "a nod is as good as a wink":

  • Silent agreement or tacit consent
  • Implied approval or understanding
  • Non-verbal acknowledgment or recognition

Synonyms in other languages

Here are five synonyms with translations and descriptions in other languages:

  • In French, "Un sourire c'est mieux qu'un mot" (A smile is better than a word) conveys the same idea of implicit agreement or understanding without verbal communication.
  • In German, "Ein Blick ist wert 1000 Worte" (A look is worth a thousand words) suggests that non-verbal cues can convey just as much meaning as spoken language.
  • In Japanese, "もう一度の話はやめる" (Let's not talk about it again) implies a silent agreement or understanding between two people who have already discussed something and don't want to rehash it.
  • In Spanish, "Un nudo no es más fuerte que un hilo" (A knot is not stronger than a thread) suggests that seemingly insignificant things can hold a lot of importance or meaning.
  • In Italian, "Il silenzio è l'accompagnatore dell'amore" (Silence is the companion of love) conveys the idea that sometimes, non-verbal communication can be just as powerful and meaningful as words.

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