English Idioms

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A place for everything and everything in its place


The literal meaning of the idiom is that there should be a designated place for everything, and every item should be kept in its proper place. The figurative or metaphorical meaning is that one should organize their life and possessions efficiently, keeping things neat and tidy.


  • I believe that everyone should have a place for everything in their home, including clothing, electronics, and kitchen appliances. This helps to keep clutter at bay and makes it easier to find what you need.
  • In the workplace, it's important to have a designated place for your files and papers. This will help you stay organized and avoid wasting time searching for something.
  • When planning a trip, it's essential to pack everything in its proper place in your luggage. This ensures that you don't forget anything and makes it easier to unpack when you arrive.
  • In your daily life, it's important to have a designated place for everything from your keys to your phone charger. This helps to keep things organized and saves time when you need to find something quickly.
  • In the garden, it's essential to have a place for every tool and piece of equipment. This ensures that everything is easily accessible when you need it and helps to keep things neat and tidy.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom can be traced back to the 17th century, where it was first used in the book "The Art of Housekeeping" by Madame d'Aulnoy. In this book, the author emphasized the importance of organizing one's possessions and keeping them in their proper place. Over time, the idiom has become a popular phrase that is commonly used to encourage people to stay organized and tidy.

Synonyms in English

  • A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Proper Place
  • Keep Everything in Its Proper Place
  • Organize Everything Efficiently
  • Designate a Place for Everything
  • Maintain Tidiness and Order

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "Chacun à sa place et tout en son lieu" (Everyone in their place and everything in its place)
  • Spanish: "Toda cosa en su lugar y todo lugar para cada cosa" (Everything in its place and every place for everything)
  • Italian: "Ogni cosa in suo luogo e ogni luogo per ogni cosa" (Everything in its place and every place for everything)
  • German: "Alles im richtigen Ort und alles im richtigen Platz" (Everything in the right place and everything in the right place)
  • Japanese: "おもやくは一応にも一応ですね?" (I guess tidiness is also important?)

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