English Idioms

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A voice crying in the wilderness


The idiom "a voice crying in the wilderness" refers to a lone person or entity who speaks out against the status quo or societal norms, but is largely ignored by others. The phrase suggests a sense of desolation and isolation, with the speaker's message falling on deaf ears.


  • "Despite being a voice crying in the wilderness, climate activist Greta Thunberg has managed to bring attention to the urgent need for environmental change."
  • "As a minority woman in the male-dominated tech industry, Sophia Amoruso's success was seen as a voice crying in the wilderness."
  • "When whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked information about government surveillance programs, he became a voice crying in the wilderness, warning of the dangers of unchecked power."
  • "At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Fauci was a voice crying in the wilderness, urging people to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines."
  • "The ##MeToo movement sparked by Harvey Weinstein's victims has become a voice crying in the wilderness, forcing society to confront its own harmful attitudes towards sexual harassment and assault."

Roots and History

The phrase "a voice crying in the wilderness" comes from the Bible, specifically from the Gospel of Matthew, where John the Baptist is described as preaching in the wilderness, urging people to repent and turn back to God. The metaphor of a lone person speaking out against the norms can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology, where Prometheus was punished for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humanity. Over time, the idiom has taken on different meanings depending on the context. In some cases, it may refer to an individual who is marginalized or oppressed, while in others, it may describe a message that is unpopular but ultimately proven to be true.

Synonyms in English

  • A lone voice
  • A dissenting opinion
  • A minority view
  • An outcast's message
  • A radical perspective

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "La voix discordante" (The discordant voice)
  • Spanish: "La voz de la oposición" (The voice of opposition)
  • Italian: "La voce dell'opposizione" (The voice of opposition)
  • German: "Die Stimme der Minderheit" (The voice of the minority)
  • Japanese: "一人の声" (The voice of one)

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