English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

According to


The idiom "according to" is used when someone is expressing their opinion about something based on information they have gathered or heard. It can also be used to indicate that someone is following a certain set of rules or guidelines. The figurative meaning is that the person is giving their interpretation of what the source information means, and it may not always align with the actual facts or evidence.


  • "According to my research, sales of electric cars are expected to increase by 50% this year." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to indicate that someone has gathered information and is expressing an opinion based on that information.
  • "She only does what she's told to do according to her job description." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to indicate that someone is following a certain set of rules or guidelines.
  • "According to him, the world is flat and everything is just a big pancake." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to express an opinion that may not align with the actual facts or evidence.
  • "I heard on the news that they're planning to build a new highway according to the old town square." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to indicate that someone is expressing their interpretation of what information they have gathered.
  • "According to her, coffee is the key to happiness and success." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to express an opinion that may not align with the actual facts or evidence.

Roots and History

The idiom "according to" has been in use since at least the 14th century. It originated from the Latin phrase "in conformitate," which means "in accordance." The phrase was used to indicate that something was done or said in agreement with a certain set of rules or principles. Over time, the meaning of the idiom broadened to include expressing an opinion based on information gathered or heard. Today, the idiom is commonly used in both formal and informal language and has become a common way of expressing opinions based on available information.

Synonyms in English

  • Based on
  • According to my understanding
  • As far as I know
  • It's reported that
  • From what I can tell

Synonyms in other languages

  • Italian: "A seconda di" (According to)
  • Spanish: "Según lo que se piense" (According to what is believed)
  • French: "D'après lequel on croit" (According to which one believes)
  • German: "Gemäß dem" (According to)
  • Portuguese: "De acordo com" (According to)

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