English Idioms

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Acid test


The idiom "acid test" refers to a situation or event that is used to determine whether someone or something is genuine, authentic, or trustworthy. It can also refer to a challenging or demanding task or experience that tests one's skills or abilities.


  • The new employee passed the acid test by completing all of her tasks on time and with quality work.
  • I didn't believe he was telling the truth until I saw him pass the acid test during the job interview.
  • The company's products were put through a rigorous acid test to ensure their effectiveness.
  • The athlete underwent an intense training regimen that was like an acid test for his endurance.
  • The acid test of leadership came when the team faced a crisis and needed quick decision-making.

Roots and History

The idiom "acid test" originated in the 19th century, where it was used to describe a chemical test that determined the authenticity of certain materials. Over time, the idiom evolved to refer to any situation or event that tested someone's integrity or abilities. In contemporary language, the acid test is often used metaphorically to describe a challenging or demanding experience that tests one's skills or abilities.

Synonyms in English

  • Litmus test
  • Barometer test
  • Touchstone test
  • Proving ground
  • Trial by fire

Synonyms in other languages

  • 試驗 (Shǐxiào) - Chinese
  • 測試 (Çalışma) - Turkish
  • 測試 (Probare) - Italian
  • 測試 (Cercle) - French
  • 測試 (Příklad) - Czech

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