English Idioms

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Across the board


The idiom "across the board" means to apply something to all aspects or situations, without any exceptions or limitations. It can also mean to implement a change or policy that affects everyone or everything involved. Example sentences:

  • The new tax bill will have an impact on the economy across the board.
  • The company is implementing a new dress code policy across the board.
  • The team won the championship across the board, from offense to defense.
  • The research findings were applied across the board to improve patient care.
  • The pandemic has affected all aspects of society across the board.


The usage of "across the board" can vary depending on the context. It can be used in a positive or negative sense, and it can refer to changes or policies that are intended to improve or harm something. For example:

  • The new policy will have a positive impact across the board, benefiting everyone involved.
  • The government's fiscal stimulus plan has had a negative effect across the board, causing inflation and economic instability.
  • The company's decision to outsource jobs has led to layoffs across the board, affecting all departments.
  • The new healthcare system is designed to improve patient outcomes across the board, by providing better access to care.
  • The weather forecast calls for rain across the board, affecting the entire region.

Roots and History

The idiom "across the board" has its roots in the 16th century English phrase "over the board," which meant to take something completely over or cover it completely. Over time, the phrase evolved to include the idea of applying something to all aspects or situations, without any exceptions or limitations. In contemporary language, the idiom is commonly used in political and economic contexts, as well as in discussions about healthcare and education.

Synonyms in English

  • Comprehensively
  • Universally
  • Entirely
  • Throughout
  • Extensively

Synonyms in other languages

  • Español: por todo, completamente
  • Français: pour tout, complètement
  • Deutsch: überall, vollständig
  • Italiano: per tutto, completamente
  • Japanese: 全体的な (zenrei de na)

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