English Idioms

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Act of God


The idiom "an act of God" refers to something that is considered to be a divine intervention or supernatural event that cannot be explained by natural causes. This term is often used to describe events such as natural disasters, accidents, or other unexpected occurrences that are attributed to a higher power.


  • When the hurricane hit our town, it was considered an act of God.
  • My car broke down on the highway and I had to rely on God's help to get me safely back home.
  • The sudden fire in the school was considered an act of God by many people in the community.
  • Some people believe that when they experience a stroke, it is an act of God.
  • When our plane landed with no fuel left and we had to rely on the pilot's skills to safely land the plane, some passengers were convinced it was an act of God. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used in a religious or spiritual context, but it can also be used more broadly to describe any event that is considered to be beyond human control.

Roots and History

The term "an act of God" has its roots in ancient religions and mythologies where divine interventions were believed to occur. In Christianity, for example, the Bible describes several instances where God intervened in human affairs to save individuals or communities from harm. The phrase "an act of God" was likely used to describe these events as supernatural or beyond human control. Over time, the idiom has been adapted and used in different contexts. In contemporary language, it is often used more broadly to describe any event that is considered to be beyond human control or explanation. However, its original religious connotations may still be evident in some cases.

Synonyms in English

  • A miracle
  • A divine intervention
  • A supernatural occurrence
  • An act of fate
  • An act of destiny

Synonyms in other languages

  • Enigma (French) - A puzzle or mystery that cannot be solved.
  • Mystery (German) - A mysterious event or phenomenon that cannot be explained.
  • Miracle (Spanish) - A divine intervention or supernatural occurrence.
  • Fate (Arabic) - The idea that events are predetermined by a higher power.
  • Divine Providence (Italian) - The belief that God watches over and protects individuals and communities.

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