English Idioms

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As calm as a toad in the sun


The idiom "as calm as a toad in the sun" means to be completely relaxed, tranquil, and at ease. The figurative meaning of this idiom is that a person who appears calm and composed has no inner turmoil or discomfort. It can also suggest that someone is content with their current state of being, without any desire for change or excitement.


  • She was as calm as a toad in the sun while she listened to her husband's long-winded explanation.
  • Despite the chaos around him, he remained as calm as a toad in the sun and continued to work on his project.
  • After years of working hard, the couple finally retired to a peaceful beach house where they could relax as calm as a toad in the sun.
  • The baby was so small and delicate that she slept as calmly as a toad in the sun, nestled in her mother's arms.
  • He was so confident in his abilities that he approached the challenge with the same calmness of a toad in the sun.

Roots and History

The idiom "as calm as a toad in the sun" is believed to have originated from the fact that toads are known for their ability to bask in the sun without getting burnt or overheated. The idea of someone being so relaxed and composed is thought to resemble this behavior. There is no specific historical record of the use of this idiom, but it has been in common usage for at least several decades.

Synonyms in English

  • Relaxed
  • At ease
  • Composed
  • Serene
  • Tranquil

Synonyms in other languages

  • Sereno en español (serene)
  • Calme en français (calm)
  • 積汗之心 in Chinese (complacent or content)
  • 寧靜 in Vietnamese (relaxed)
  • 勉得不疲 in Arabic (tired but content)

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