English Idioms

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Bang on


The idiom "bang on" is used to describe something that is absolutely correct or spot on. It can also be used to describe a situation that is ideal or perfect, or someone who is very good at what they do.


  • The doctor's diagnosis was bang on and he recommended surgery immediately.
  • The musician played the guitar like a pro, nailing every chord perfectly.
  • My friend's jokes always hit the nail on the head and have everyone in stitches.
  • She finished the project ahead of time and her work was bang on.
  • The restaurant's menu had everything from classic dishes to unique and adventurous options, making it a great choice for foodies. The usage of "bang on" can vary depending on the context. For example, in sentence 1, "on" refers to the accuracy of the doctor's diagnosis, while in sentence 3, "on" refers to the musician's ability to play the guitar perfectly.

Roots and History

The idiom "bang on" has been used since the early 20th century and is believed to have originated from the verb "bang," which means to hit or strike something with force. Over time, it evolved to mean something that was perfect or accurate, likely due to its association with hitting the target or mark.

Synonyms in English

  • On the money
  • Dead on
  • Spot on
  • Right on target
  • Nail it

Synonyms in other languages

  • German: "genau" (exactly)
  • French: "precis" (precise)
  • Spanish: "preciso" (exact)
  • Italian: "esatto" (exact)
  • Portuguese: "perfeito" (perfect)

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