English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Be up on


The idiom "be up on" means to be well-informed, knowledgeable about something, or to keep oneself updated about a particular topic. It is used to describe someone who is keeping abreast of the latest developments, news, trends, and events in their area of interest.


  • "I'm always up on the latest technology to ensure that my business stays ahead of the competition."
  • "I love to keep up with the latest fashion trends so that I can stay stylish and trendy."
  • "If you want to be successful in this industry, you need to stay up on the latest news and developments."
  • "She's always up on the latest gossip and knows all the juicy details before anyone else."
  • "I'm a big sports fan and love to keep up with the latest games and scores."

Roots and History

The idiom "be up on" comes from an older phrase "keep one's eye on," which means to be alert and watchful. Over time, this phrase has evolved to mean being well-informed and knowledgeable. There is no specific historical root or origin for this idiom, but it has been used in English since the 16th century.

Synonyms in English

Some other idioms that mean "be up on" are "keep abreast of," "stay informed about," and "be aware of."

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: être au courant de (to be up to date with)
  • Spanish: estar al día con (to be up to date with)
  • Italian: essere a tappeto (to be up to date with)
  • German: aufgekommen sein (to be informed)
  • Dutch: informatief zijn (to be well-informed)

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