English Idioms

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Beef up


The idiom "beef up" means to add more strength or muscle to something, often metaphorically referring to a person's character or personality. It can also mean to increase the power or effectiveness of something, such as an organization or project.


  • The weightlifter decided to beef up his routine by adding more exercises and increasing the weight he lifted.
  • The politician's attacks on his opponent were seen as a way to beef up his own image and gain support from voters.
  • The company decided to beef up its marketing campaign to increase sales and reach new customers.
  • The scientist worked hard to beef up her research, ensuring that it was thoroughly researched and well-documented.
  • The football team's defense was not strong enough, so they needed to beef up their strategy to prevent opposing teams from scoring. The usage of the idiom "beef up" can vary depending on the context. In some cases, it may refer to physical strength or muscle, while in others it may refer to metaphorical strengths such as character or personality.

Roots and History

The idiom "beef up" dates back to at least the mid-20th century. It is believed to have originated from the practice of adding more meat to a dish, which can enhance its flavor and texture. Over time, the phrase has been used metaphorically to refer to other things that can be enhanced or improved.

Synonyms in English

  • Strengthen
  • Reinforce
  • Boost
  • Energize
  • Amplify

Synonyms in other languages

  • 強化 (strengthen) - Japanese
  • 강화 (strengthen) - Korean
  • 强化 (fortify) - Spanish
  • 강화 (enrich) - Portuguese
  • 강화 (strengthen) - Arabic

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