English Idioms

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Bend over backwards


The idiom "bend over backwards" means to do everything possible or go beyond what is necessary to please someone, to make an extra effort to accomplish something. It can also mean being excessively eager or enthusiastic.


  • She always bends over backwards to help her colleagues at work.
  • The CEO promised his investors that he would bend over backwards to increase profits.
  • He bent over backwards to impress his girlfriend.
  • We need to bend over backwards to accommodate the needs of our customers.
  • Even when faced with difficult challenges, she never bends over backwards. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. For example, it could be used to describe someone who is extremely eager or enthusiastic about something, such as a person who bends over backwards to please their friends or family. It could also be used to describe someone who goes above and beyond what is expected of them, like a boss who bends over backwards to accommodate the needs of their employees.

Roots and History

The exact origin of this idiom is uncertain, but it may have originated from the physical act of bending over backwards. This act can symbolize extreme effort or going beyond what is necessary to achieve something. It has been used in English since at least the 16th century.

Synonyms in English

  • Go above and beyond
  • Exceed expectations
  • Put in extra effort
  • Do more than required
  • Make a special effort

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - Hacer todo lo posible para alguien (Do everything possible for someone)
  • French - Faire tout pour quelqu'un (Do everything for someone)
  • German - Alles machen, um etwas zu erreichen (Do everything to achieve something)
  • Italian - Fare tutto per qualcuno (Do everything for someone)
  • Portuguese - Fazer tudo para alguém (Do everything for someone)

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