English Idioms

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Beyond the veil


The idiom "beyond the veil" refers to something that is not visible or accessible, often associated with the supernatural or spiritual realm. It can also refer to a state of consciousness or awareness beyond our everyday understanding.


  • The author's latest novel delves into the mysteries of the beyond the veil, exploring themes of life and death.
  • The shaman used her crystals to lift the veil between this world and the spirit realm, allowing us to communicate with the dead.
  • My grandfather always said that we can't truly understand the nature of reality until we step beyond the veil of our own limitations.
  • The quantum physicist explained how the laws of physics work beyond the veil of our everyday perception.
  • During the meditation session, the teacher instructed us to close our eyes and focus on lifting the veil between our conscious and subconscious minds.

Roots and History

The idiom "beyond the veil" has roots in religious and spiritual traditions that believe in a realm beyond our physical world. In ancient times, this was often associated with the concept of an afterlife or a higher state of consciousness. Over time, the phrase has come to be used more broadly to refer to anything that lies outside of our current understanding or perception.

Synonyms in English

  • beyond the realm of understanding
  • beyond the confines of reality
  • beyond the limits of comprehension
  • beyond the scope of perception
  • beyond the edge of knowledge

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "fuera de nuestro alcance" - This translates to "beyond our reach" and is used to describe something that is too far away or out of range.
  • French: "au-delà de notre perception" - This translates to "beyond our perception" and is used to describe something that cannot be seen or understood.
  • German: "jenseits von unserer Verständnisbarkeit" - This translates to "beyond our understanding" and is used to describe something that is too complex or difficult to comprehend.
  • Italian: "al di fuori dal nostro campo di vista" - This translates to "outside of our field of view" and is used to describe something that is not visible or within range.
  • Japanese: "出てからの" - This translates to "after beyond" and is used to describe a state of consciousness or awareness that transcends the physical world.

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