English Idioms

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Big brother


The idiom "big brother" refers to a person or organization that is watching over and monitoring others, usually in a way that is seen as oppressive or invasive. It can also refer to someone who takes on a protective role towards others.


  • The government's surveillance of its citizens is often compared to the dystopian world of George Orwell's "Big Brother."
  • The new parenting app, which tracks every aspect of their child's behavior, has been criticized for being a form of digital "big brother."
  • The CEO's strict management style was likened to having a "big brother" watching every move.
  • The whistleblower's allegations against the company sparked a public debate about whether corporations should act as "big brothers" to their employees.
  • The activists' protest against government surveillance was met with accusations of being "anti-big brother."

Roots and History

The idiom originated in George Orwell's novel "1984," which was published in 1949. In the novel, the main character Winston Smith is constantly watched by the government's leader, Big Brother, who maintains an omnipresent presence through the use of telescreens and Thought Police. The phrase has since become a metaphor for oppressive surveillance and control in general.

Synonyms in English

  • Surveillance state
  • Totalitarian regime
  • Nanny state
  • Protective oversight
  • Big brotherism

Synonyms in other languages

  • La Grande Illusion (French) - A French dystopian film about a society where individuality is suppressed and conformity is enforced.
  • El Cuero de Vieja (Spanish) - A Spanish phrase that means "old skin" and refers to the idea of being too comfortable and complacent with the status quo.
  • La Casa Blanca (Spanish) - A reference to the White House in English, which has become a symbol for government corruption and abuse of power.
  • El Padrino (Spanish) - A Spanish phrase that means "the godfather" and refers to someone who exercises influence over others through manipulation and intimidation.
  • La Fraternité des Hommes (French) - A French phrase that translates to "brotherhood of men" and reflects the idea of people coming together to resist oppression and fight for freedom.

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