English Idioms

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Blazing row


The idiom "blazing row" means a straight line or path of destruction that leads to chaos, disorder, or devastation. It can also refer to a situation where two people, groups, or entities are in a state of conflict and competition, resulting in a fiery and intense confrontation.


  • The new CEO's management style has brought a blazing row in the company due to its radical changes.
  • The couple's fight in public has sparked a blazing row on social media platforms.
  • The two countries have been engaged in a blazing row over territorial disputes for decades.
  • The blazing row between the two siblings has caused a rift in their family.
  • The scientific community is divided into two opposing factions, creating a blazing row over the interpretation of data. The usage of "blazing row" can vary depending on the context. In some cases, it may refer to a literal line or path of destruction, while in others, it may metaphorically describe a situation where two entities are in conflict and competition. The intensity of the confrontation can also vary based on the context.

Roots and History

The idiom "blazing row" is believed to have originated in the early 20th century, around the time of World War I. It was used to describe the intense flashes of light that were seen in the sky during air battles, as well as the fiery explosions caused by artillery and bombs. The term was later used figuratively to describe any situation where two entities were in conflict and competition, resulting in a heated confrontation.

Synonyms in English

  • Blazing argument
  • Fierce battle
  • Intense rivalry
  • Heated dispute
  • Furious contest

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - "duelo en llamas" (literal translation: fire duel) - A metaphorical description of a conflict between two people or entities that is intense and fiery.
  • French - "feu d'artifice" (literally: fireworks) - A term used to describe the intense blasts of light and sound that occur during military battles.
  • German - "Feuerstorm" (literally: fire storm) - A metaphorical description of a situation where two entities are in conflict and competition, resulting in a fiery confrontation.
  • Italian - "fuoco incendiario" (literally: incendiary fire) - A term used to describe the intense flashes of light that occur during military battles.
  • Portuguese - "batalha da fogo" (literally: battle of fire) - A metaphorical description of a situation where two entities are in conflict and competition, resulting in a fiery confrontation.

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