English Idioms

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Blind as a bat


The idiom "blind as a bat" is used to describe someone who is completely unaware or ignorant about something. The phrase comes from the fact that bats are known for their ability to navigate through darkness, relying on echolocation to find food and avoid obstacles. Similarly, people who are "blind as a bat" lack the necessary knowledge or understanding to navigate effectively in a particular situation.


Here are five sentences using the idiom "blind as a bat":

  • I tried to explain the concept to my friend, but he was completely blind as a bat to it.
  • The politician's lack of experience made him seem quite blind as a bat when discussing complex policy issues.
  • As a scientist, I find it frustrating when non-experts try to give me advice on things they're blind as a bat about.
  • My colleague was blind as a bat to the social dynamics in the office and didn't realize how he was perceived by others.
  • The student was completely blind as a bat to the exam format and ended up struggling during the test.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "blind as a bat" dates back to medieval times when bats were believed to have supernatural powers. In some cultures, they were associated with witchcraft and evil spirits, and people who lacked knowledge or understanding were sometimes referred to as being "blind as a bat". Over time, the phrase evolved into its current meaning of being completely ignorant or unaware about something.

Synonyms in English

Here are three synonyms for "blind as a bat" in English:

  • In the dark: This idiom means to be unfamiliar or uninformed about something. For example, "I'm in the dark about what's happening with my project."
  • Clueless: This idiom means to have no idea or understanding about something. For example, "I feel clueless when it comes to coding."
  • Unaware: This idiom means to lack knowledge or understanding about something. For example, "The new employee was completely unaware of the company's policies."

Synonyms in other languages

Here are five synonyms for "blind as a bat" in different languages, along with translations and descriptions:

  • French: "aveugle comme un chauve-souris" - This idiom means to be completely ignorant or unaware about something. For example, "Je suis aveugle comme un chauve-souris sur la politique française."
  • Spanish: "ciego como un murciélago" - This idiom means to lack knowledge or understanding about something. For example, "Estoy ciego como un murciélago a los temas de ciencia."
  • German: "blind wie ein Fledermaus" - This idiom means to be completely ignorant or unaware about something. For example, "Ich bin blind wie ein Fledermaus zu den Themen der Politik."
  • Italian: "ciego come un pipistrello" - This idiom means to lack knowledge or understanding about something. For example, "Sono ciego come un pipistrello al cinematogrfo."
  • Portuguese: "blindado como um morcego" - This idiom means to be completely ignorant or unaware about something. For example, "Estou cego como um morcego sobre o que é de interesse na política."

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