English Idioms

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Born with a silver spoon in mouth


The idiom "born with a silver spoon in mouth" refers to someone who comes from a wealthy or privileged background, and therefore, has had access to many opportunities and resources that others may not have. The phrase implies that this person has had an advantageous start in life and has never had to struggle as much as others.


  • "She was born with a silver spoon in mouth and has always taken her wealth for granted." (negative connotation)
  • "He grew up with all the advantages of being born into a wealthy family, thanks to his silver spoon in mouth." (positive connotation)
  • "Despite his disadvantaged background, he managed to achieve success through hard work and determination. He didn't have a silver spoon in mouth, but he made it from scratch." (positive connotation)
  • "The wealthy elite are often born with a silver spoon in mouth, which gives them an unfair advantage over those who have to struggle for everything." (negative connotation)
  • "Some people believe that being born with a silver spoon in mouth is the key to success, while others think that hard work and determination are more important." (neutral connotation)

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom can be traced back to the 17th century when silver spoons were used as a sign of wealth and status. These spoons were often made by highly skilled craftsmen and were passed down from generation to generation, becoming valuable family heirlooms. People born with silver spoons in mouth were therefore considered to be of high birth and had access to many resources and opportunities that others did not. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has evolved to encompass people who come from a privileged background in general, rather than just those with silver spoons. It has become a common expression used to describe someone who has always been fortunate enough to have had access to many resources and opportunities.

Synonyms in English

  • "Born into wealth"
  • "Coming from a privileged background"
  • "Growing up with all the advantages of being born into a wealthy family"
  • "Having a comfortable upbringing"
  • "Starting life with financial security"

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "Né de l'or" (literally, "born of gold")
  • Spanish: "Nacido con plata" (literally, "born with silver")
  • German: "Von Geburt mit Silber aufgenommen" (literally, "taken in from birth with silver")
  • Italian: "Nato con il piatto d'oro" (literally, "born with a golden plate")
  • Dutch: "Geboren met de zilveren spoor" (literally, "born with the silver trail")

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