English Idioms

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Bull in a china shop


The idiom "bull in a china shop" refers to someone who is unskilled or inexperienced, and who causes damage or destruction while trying to do something. The phrase comes from the idea of a bull breaking through a window into a china shop and trampling on everything inside. This can be seen as a metaphor for someone who lacks knowledge or expertise and ends up making mistakes that result in harm or chaos.


  • The new hire was clumsy with the equipment, causing a power outage that affected the entire department. She was like a bull in a china shop.
  • Despite his experience as a chef, the new restaurant owner accidentally burned down half of the kitchen. He was a bull in a china shop.
  • The new employee's lack of experience made her a liability to the company. She was a bull in a china shop.
  • The student tried to take home his science project without understanding its toxicity. He was a bull in a china shop.
  • The hacker's recklessness caused irreparable damage to the computer system. He was a bull in a china shop. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used to describe someone who lacks knowledge or experience, or someone who is too eager to try something new and ends up making mistakes that cause harm or chaos. The idiom can also be used to criticize someone's behavior or actions.

Roots and History

The idiom "bull in a china shop" originated from an old English proverb, "A bull in a china shop is worth two in a bar". This phrase means that a person who causes trouble is more valuable than someone who doesn't. The proverb likely evolved from the idea of a bull breaking into a china shop and causing destruction. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has shifted to focus more on the negative consequences of the person's actions. It has become associated with inexperience or lack of knowledge, rather than just causing trouble. The phrase has also been adapted to different contexts, such as describing someone who is clumsy or reckless, rather than just destructive. There are no known cultural or regional variations of this idiom.

Synonyms in English

  • Butterfly effect
  • Knee-jerk reaction
  • Wormhole effect
  • Clown show
  • Chaos theory

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spaghetti Western (Italian) - Refers to a genre of spaghetti films that were popular in the 1960s and 70s, known for their violent action scenes and stylish visuals.
  • Black swan event (Greek) - A rare or unexpected event that has significant consequences.
  • Butterfly effect (German) - The idea that small changes in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes.
  • Chaos theory (Spanish) - A branch of mathematics and science that studies the behavior of complex systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.
  • Knee-jerk reaction (French) - An automatic or instinctive response without thinking it through, often leading to negative consequences.

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