English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Bury head in the sand


The idiom "bury head in the sand" means to pretend not to notice or acknowledge something, especially a problem or situation that requires attention or action. It refers to burying one's head in the sand as if trying to hide from reality and ignore the issue at hand. This expression is a metaphorical way of describing someone who is avoiding confrontation or responsibility.


  • John had been avoiding his work for weeks, but when he heard that his boss was expecting him to submit a report by tomorrow, he realized he needed to bury his head in the sand and get back on track.
  • Sarah's family has always struggled financially, so when she discovered her husband had been embezzling money from their business, she felt like she needed to bury her head in the sand and hope everything would work itself out.
  • The news about the pandemic has left many people feeling overwhelmed and anxious, so they choose to bury their heads in the sand and focus on things that bring them joy.
  • When I asked my friend why he wasn't working on his project, he said he was just burying his head in the sand and waiting for inspiration to strike.
  • The team leader knew that her team had been making mistakes, but instead of addressing the issue, she chose to bury her head in the sand and hope things got better on their own.

Roots and History

The origins of this idiom are unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 17th century. One theory suggests that the phrase comes from the practice of covering one's face with dirt or sand when confronted by danger or difficulty. Another theory is that it refers to the ancient practice of burying one's head in the sand to wait for the sun to pass overhead and signal the start of a new day. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has evolved to refer more specifically to avoiding confrontation or responsibility. It has become a common expression used to describe someone who is unwilling to face their problems head-on.

Synonyms in English

  • avoidance
  • evasion
  • ignoring
  • denial
  • suppression

Synonyms in other languages

  • French - "enterrer la tête" This idiom has a similar meaning to "bury head in the sand" and translates to "to bury one's head." It is used to describe someone who is avoiding confrontation or responsibility.
  • Spanish - "enterrar la cabeza" This idiom also means "to bury one's head" and refers to someone who is avoiding a problem or situation that requires attention.
  • Italian - "mettere la testa nella sabbia" This expression translates to "to put one's head in the sand" and has the same meaning as the English idiom. It refers to someone who is pretending not to notice or acknowledge a problem or situation.
  • German - "den Kopf in die Sand stellen" This expression translates to "to put one's head in the sand" and means to ignore or avoid something that requires attention or action.
  • Dutch - "de kop in de zand steken" This idiom also refers to someone who is ignoring or avoiding a problem or situation by putting their head in the sand. It has a similar meaning to the English and other language expressions.

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