English Idioms

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Butterflies in stomach


The idiom "butterflies in stomach" is used to describe a feeling of nervousness, anxiety, or unease. It can also indicate excitement or anticipation.


  • I can't help but have butterflies in my stomach every time I have to give a presentation at work.
  • Before her wedding day, she had butterflies in her stomach and was feeling anxious about all the decisions she had to make.
  • When he found out that he got accepted into his dream school, he had butterflies in his stomach from excitement.
  • Sometimes when I go on a first date, I get butterflies in my stomach because I'm not sure if the other person feels the same way about me.
  • She had butterflies in her stomach every time she went to the dentist because she was afraid of needles. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used to describe a mild feeling of unease, or it can be used to describe a more intense feeling of anxiety or nervousness. It can also be used to describe excitement or anticipation.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "butterflies in stomach" is unclear, but it has been used since at least the 17th century. One theory suggests that it comes from the idea that the fluttering of butterflies can cause a feeling of unease or anxiety in some people. Another theory suggests that it comes from the idea that the butterfly-like movements of the stomach can cause a feeling of nervousness.

Synonyms in English

  • Butterflies in my tummy
  • Stomach flips
  • A sinking feeling
  • A twisting sensation
  • A gut feeling

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "piedras en el corazón" (stones in the heart) - a feeling of anxiety or unease
  • French: "sentiments de mauvais augure" (bad omens) - a feeling of apprehension or fear
  • German: "Bitterwürme" (bitter worms) - a feeling of anxiety or fear
  • Italian: "cattivi in cuore" (evil thoughts) - a feeling of anxiety or unease
  • Russian: "судьба в спине" (fate on one's back) - a feeling of anxiety or unease.

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