English Idioms

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Buy the farm


The idiom "buy the farm" is used to describe someone who has achieved success or accomplishment beyond their dreams. It means that they have gone above and beyond what was expected of them and may even have surpassed the expectations of others. The idiom often connotes a sense of pride and achievement in one's work or accomplishments.


  • John worked hard every day to buy the farm, and he finally did it! - This sentence suggests that John achieved success beyond what was expected of him and that he is proud of his accomplishment.
  • Sarah never thought she would be able to buy the farm, but she did! - This sentence implies that Sarah exceeded expectations and achieved success despite initial doubts.
  • After years of hard work, Michael finally bought the farm! - This sentence suggests that Michael's hard work paid off, and he achieved a level of success beyond what was expected of him.
  • The team worked together to buy the farm, and they did it! - This sentence implies that the team's collective effort led to their achievement of success.
  • I don't think anyone could have predicted that John would buy the farm, but he did! - This sentence suggests that John achieved success beyond what was expected of him, despite others not predicting his success.

Roots and History

The origin of "buy the farm" is unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 1920s. One theory suggests that the idiom comes from the idea of buying a farm being an ultimate level of success or achievement, something that most people only dream of. Another theory suggests that the idiom comes from the idea of "buying into" a project or idea and seeing it through to completion. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has evolved to include not just the act of buying a farm, but also achieving success beyond what was expected of someone.

Synonyms in English

  • Succeeded against all odds
  • Achieved something incredible
  • Reached new heights
  • Overcame expectations
  • Exceeded all expectations

Synonyms in other languages

  • Esperanza en español
  • 成長的羊群 in Chinese
  • לאכותים נפשים in Hebrew
  • הַיֵּמִים בְּחֶסֶד כַּצֶּר אֶת־הַיֵּמִים בְּאַשֶׂר חֲיות נפשים in Hebrew
  • אֶת־הַיֵּמִים בְּכֶסֶד כַּצֶּר אֶת־הַיֵּמִים בֵּעֶן חֲיות נפשים in Hebrew

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