English Idioms

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Buzz word


A buzz word is a term or phrase that is fashionable or popular at a certain time, often used to impress others or show that the speaker is up-to-date with the latest trends. It can also refer to any term that is overused and has lost its original meaning.


  • "I always try to stay away from buzz words like 'synergy' and 'paradigm shift' in my meetings. They just make me sound pretentious."
  • "The new CEO has been promoting buzz words like 'disruptive innovation' and 'pivot' since she took over the company, but no one knows what they really mean."
  • "I was at a conference where everyone was using buzz words like 'leverage' and 'scale' to describe their startups, but I couldn't help but feel like they were just trying to sound smart."
  • "When my boss started talking about the importance of 'agile methodology' and 'devOps' in our software development process, I knew he was just using buzz words to sound more tech-savvy."
  • "I try to avoid using buzz words like 'thought leadership' and 'value proposition' when pitching my ideas to clients, because they just make me sound like a salesperson."

Roots and History

The term "buzz word" has its roots in the 1960s, when advertising agencies started creating catchy slogans and buzzwords to promote their products. One of the earliest known examples is "Just Do It," which was coined by Nike in 1989 and quickly became a household phrase. Over time, the use of buzz words has expanded beyond advertising and has become a common language in many fields, including business, technology, and politics.

Synonyms in English

  • Buzzword: Term or phrase that is fashionable or popular at a certain time, often used to impress others or show that the speaker is up-to-date with the latest trends.
  • Jargon: Technical language or terminology that may be unfamiliar or confusing to outsiders.
  • Marketing slogan: A catchy phrase or tagline used to promote a product or service.
  • Buzzphrase: A short, memorable term or phrase that becomes popular and overused in a particular context.
  • Soundbite: A brief, attention-grabbing statement or quote that is often taken out of context.

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Mot d'ordre - an order or directive given by an authority figure.
  • German: Buzzword - a term or phrase that is fashionable or popular at a certain time, often used to impress others or show that the speaker is up-to-date with the latest trends.
  • Spanish: Phrase de moda - a phrase or term that is fashionable or popular at a certain time, often used to show that the speaker is up-to-date with the latest trends.
  • Italian: Parola chiave - a key word or term that is used to impress others or show that the speaker is knowledgeable about a particular topic.
  • Chinese: 新颖词语 - a new phrase or term that becomes popular and overused in a particular context.

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