English Idioms

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By dint of


The phrase "by dint of" means to achieve something through hard work, perseverance, and/or skill. It implies that the person or thing being referred to worked diligently and efficiently to accomplish a task or goal.


  • By dint of her hard work, Sarah was able to earn a full scholarship to college.
  • The company's success was due to by dint of their innovative products.
  • Through by dint of his intelligence and problem-solving skills, Tom was able to solve the complex puzzle.
  • By dint of their perseverance, the team was able to overcome the obstacles they faced during the project.
  • The athlete's victory was a result of by dint of their dedication and training.

Roots and History

The idiom "by dint of" dates back to the 16th century and comes from the Old French phrase "par esfors," which means "through force." It is believed that the phrase was originally used to describe someone who achieved something through brute strength, but over time it evolved to refer to anyone who worked hard to achieve their goals.

Synonyms in English

  • Through diligence and dedication
  • Due to hard work
  • By means of determination
  • By virtue of perseverance
  • Through skill and expertise

Synonyms in other languages

  • 通過努力和毅意 (Japanese) - This phrase translates to "through diligence and perseverance."
  • בְּמַלְכֵי תִּשֶׁרֶאֵל (Hebrew) - This phrase means "kingdom of Israel" and implies that the person or thing being referred to is someone who has achieved great success through their efforts.
  • اداب المينور (Arabic) - This phrase translates to "the art of minoring," which refers to the process of studying a subject in-depth and mastering it.
  • سفیات الشقلة (Arabic) - This phrase means "the wisdom of craftsmanship" and implies that the person or thing being referred to is someone who has achieved great skill and expertise in their field.

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