English Idioms

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Call on


The idiom "call on" has two meanings. The literal meaning is to appeal or request help from someone, often by name. The figurative meaning is to invite or summon someone to a place or event. For example, "I need to call on my friends for help with this project" and "We should call on the experts for advice."


  • In business, managers may call on employees to come to their office for disciplinary action.
  • Politicians often call on voters during election campaigns to support their candidacy.
  • If you need help with a problem, you can call on a friend or family member for support.
  • When hosting a party, you might call on your guests to participate in a game or activity.
  • In sports, athletes may call on the team to come together and win the game.

Roots and History

The idiom "call on" has been used in English since the 13th century. Its earliest known usage was in the Middle English phrase "callen men on," which meant "to summon people." Over time, the meaning evolved to include inviting or requesting help from someone. The term "on" was added in the 14th century and is believed to have derived from the Old Norse word "an," which means "at."

Synonyms in English

  • Request
  • Ask for help
  • Seek assistance
  • Appeal
  • Invoke

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: Pedir ayuda
  • French: Demander de l'aide
  • German: Hilfe suchen
  • Italian: Richiedere aiuto
  • Russian: Учетать оказательную помощь

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