English Idioms

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Camp follower


The idiom "camp follower" refers to someone who is not directly connected to a group or organization, but follows them around or has a close association with them. It can be used both positively and negatively to describe individuals who are close to a particular group, but may not have an official role or position within it. The term originated from the practice during military campaigns, where women would follow the army camps to support their husbands, sons, or lovers, providing them with supplies and comfort.


  • "The celebrity's entourage was made up of several camp followers who followed them around everywhere." - This sentence implies that the group of people following the celebrity are not directly connected to their work, but have a close association with them.
  • "The scientist was a camp follower in her husband's lab, where she assisted him on his research projects." - This sentence suggests that the woman is closely associated with her husband's work, but may not have an official role or position within the lab.
  • "The politician had several campaign followers who were loyal supporters and would do anything for him." - In this sentence, the term "camp follower" is used negatively to describe individuals who are not directly connected to the politician's work, but who have a close association with them and may be influenced by their beliefs or values.
  • "The artist was surrounded by a group of camp followers who admired her work and supported her in every way they could." - This sentence implies that the individuals surrounding the artist are not directly connected to her work, but have a close association with her and are supportive of her career.
  • "The sports team had several camp follower fans who traveled everywhere to support them and cheer them on." - In this sentence, the term "camp follower" is used positively to describe individuals who are not directly connected to the team's work, but who have a close association with them and are passionate about their success.

Roots and History

The term "camp follower" dates back to military campaigns, where women would follow the army camps to support their husbands, sons, or lovers, providing them with supplies and comfort. These women were often unofficial, but had a close association with the soldiers and played an important role in keeping morale high among the troops. Over time, the term "camp follower" has come to be used more broadly to describe anyone who is not directly connected to a group or organization, but has a close association with it.

Synonyms in English

  • Fringe member
  • Associate
  • Supporter
  • Admirer
  • Backer

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French, the synonym is "camp follower" (followeur de camp).
  • In Spanish, the synonym is "compañera de campaña" (compañera de campaña).
  • In Italian, the synonym is "compagno di campo" (compagno di campo).
  • In German, the synonym is "Feldlagerfollower" (Feldlagerfollower).
  • In Russian, the synonym is "подручник" (подручник) or "приятель" (приятель).

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