English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Carte blanche


The idiom "carte blanche" is French in origin and literally means "white sheet." It refers to a situation where someone has complete freedom or authority to do something without any restrictions or limitations. In contemporary language, it's often used to describe a person or organization given the power to act without constraints.


  • The CEO was given carte blanche to make decisions for the company.
  • The artist had carte blanche to create whatever they wanted for the exhibition.
  • The judge gave the defendant carte blanche to explain their actions.
  • The scientist was given carte blanche to conduct research without interference from the government.
  • The CEO gave his team carte blanche to come up with a new marketing strategy.

Roots and History

The idiom "carte blanche" originated in France during the 17th century. It was used to describe a blank sheet of paper that could be written on without any limitations or restrictions. Over time, the phrase came to be associated with complete freedom or authority to act without constraints. The idiom has been widely used in English since the 19th century and has become a common expression in contemporary language.

Synonyms in English

  • Free rein
  • Unbridled power
  • Open slather
  • Carte blanche to make mistakes
  • Total freedom

Synonyms in other languages

  • 無疑的 (wù yóng de) - Chinese: This idiom literally means "without doubt" and is commonly used to describe a situation where someone has complete authority or freedom to act.
  • 自由職位 (zìyǒu gōngwèi) - Mandarin: This idiom refers to a position or role that gives complete freedom to act without any restrictions or limitations.
  • 樣寫字寫,做事寫,自由寫 (zhè xiě shuǐ, zuò shénmóng shuǐ, zìyǒu shēngmóng shuǐ) - Mandarin: This idiom means "write freely, do what you want, and be free to act."
  • 白色貴士的地位 (bái sèng kǎozhì de lǐwèi) - Chinese: This idiom refers to a position or role of high status that gives complete freedom to act without any restrictions or limitations.
  • 無監控的召發身質 (wú mánkǎo de zhàofāshēngzhī) - Chinese: This idiom means "a person with the quality of being able to act without any restrictions or limitations."

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