English Idioms

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Charity begins at home


The idiom "charity begins at home" means that people should take care of their own needs before helping others. It emphasizes the importance of self-sufficiency and personal responsibility before extending help to others. The phrase suggests that charity or kindness should start from within one's own family or household, rather than from outside it.


  • "Before donating money to a charity, I always make sure that my own needs are met first."
  • "My parents taught me that 'charity begins at home,' so I learned to be independent and self-sufficient."
  • "I believe in giving back to the community, but I also recognize that charity should start with myself and my family."
  • "As much as I would like to help others, I know that 'charity begins at home' and I need to take care of my own health first."
  • "When it comes to donating resources, I prioritize helping my immediate family members before extending aid to anyone else."

Roots and History

The earliest known use of the phrase "charity begins at home" dates back to the 17th century in England. The idea that people should prioritize their own needs and take care of themselves before helping others was a common belief during this time. The phrase became widely accepted as a way of promoting self-sufficiency and personal responsibility. Over time, the meaning of the phrase has remained relatively stable, although it may be used more or less frequently depending on cultural and social norms. In some cultures, there may be an emphasis on communal support and helping others before taking care of oneself, while in other cultures, individualism and self-reliance may be more highly valued.

Synonyms in English

  • "Self-care is important."
  • "Personal responsibility."
  • "Independence."
  • "Take care of yourself first."
  • "Give back to the community."

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "La charité commence au jour-même" - This means that charity begins within oneself or one's own family. It emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's own needs before helping others.
  • Spanish: "El amor de sí mismo" - This means self-love, which is related to the idea of taking care of oneself and prioritizing one's own needs.
  • German: "Selbstbehauptung" - This means self-determination or independence, which reflects the importance of personal responsibility in promoting self-sufficiency.
  • Italian: "Dovere agli obblighi di famiglia" - This means that there is a duty to care for one's family, which highlights the role that family plays in promoting charity and kindness.
  • Mandarin Chinese: "自己做自己的事" - This means that one should take responsibility for their own life and not rely on others to take care of them, reflecting the importance of self-reliance in promoting charity.

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