English Idioms

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Chip on shoulder


The idiom "chip on one's shoulder" refers to a person who has a negative or hostile attitude towards someone or something, often due to an insecurity or perceived slight. It's a metaphorical expression that means the person is carrying around a grudge or sense of hurt, which they may act out towards others.


  • "John always had a chip on his shoulder whenever you criticized his work, but he's slowly started to open up and be more receptive to feedback." - This sentence shows how John's negative attitude towards criticism has been gradually changing.
  • "The team lost the game, and Sarah got defensive when her teammates started blaming each other. She had a chip on her shoulder about being the captain." - This sentence illustrates how Sarah's sense of responsibility as a team leader made her more likely to act out defensively.
  • "I don't understand why you always make fun of my accent. It's just because I have a chip on my shoulder about it, but it's not like I'm trying to hide it." - This sentence shows how someone's insecurity can make them more likely to feel defensive or hostile towards others.
  • "The new CEO has been criticized for her leadership style, but she doesn't take the criticism well and always has a chip on her shoulder about it." - This sentence illustrates how some people may become defensive when they are criticized, even if it is in a constructive way.
  • "I know I made a mistake, but I couldn't help but have a chip on my shoulder because I felt like no one was giving me credit for my hard work." - This sentence shows how someone's sense of injustice or perceived lack of recognition can make them more likely to act out defensively.

Roots and History

The idiom originated in the early 20th century and comes from a colloquial expression "to have something on one's shoulder." It was used to mean that someone had some sort of burden or responsibility they were carrying around. Over time, the expression became more figurative and was used to refer to someone who was acting out defensively or aggressively.

Synonyms in English

  • "Thorn in my side" - Refers to a person or thing that is causing irritation or inconvenience.
  • "Nemesis" - Refers to an enemy or rival who always manages to thwart one's efforts.
  • "Bugbear" - Refers to a person or thing that causes fear or anxiety.
  • "A pain in the neck" - Refers to someone or something that is difficult to deal with.
  • "A thorn in my flesh" - Refers to someone who is causing irritation and inconvenience on a personal level.

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "Chip on one's shoulder" - Refers to the same concept as the English idiom.
  • French: "Cotelette de cuisses" - Refers to someone who is carrying around a grudge or sense of injustice.
  • German: "Faulen Schwänzchen" - Refers to someone who is lazy or complacent.
  • Italian: "Grogno di risentimento" - Refers to someone who is angry or resentful.
  • Chinese: "忐疑心态" (jiǎn xìng xīntào) - Refers to a state of paranoia or suspicion towards others.

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