English Idioms

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Class act


The idiom "class act" is used to describe someone who behaves professionally, graciously, or elegantly in any given situation. It suggests that the person possesses good manners, etiquette, and social skills. The phrase has a positive connotation and implies that the individual is well-groomed, charming, and refined.


  • She always dresses to impress and is considered a true class act at formal events.
  • Despite his rough background, he has become a respected member of the community and is seen as a class act by many.
  • The chefs in this restaurant are known for their culinary skills and attention to detail, making them a class act among food enthusiasts.
  • She embodies grace and poise in every aspect of her life and is considered a true class act by all who know her.
  • He is known for his exceptional public speaking abilities and commanding stage presence, making him a class act in the world of entertainment. The usage of "class act" can vary depending on the context. For instance, it can be used to describe someone's behavior at a formal event or in a professional setting. Additionally, the phrase can also refer to someone who possesses good physical appearance, mannerisms, and social skills in everyday life.

Roots and History

The idiom "class act" originated in the United States during the early 20th century. The term is believed to have been used in the entertainment industry to describe performers who possessed exceptional talent and skill. Over time, the phrase has evolved to refer to anyone who behaves professionally or elegantly in any given situation.

Synonyms in English

  • Properly dressed and groomed person
  • Polished individual
  • Graceful and refined person
  • Charming and sociable person
  • Courteous and considerate person

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French, the idiom "élégant" can be used to describe someone who is well-dressed and groomed.
  • In Spanish, the phrase "caballero/a" (gentleman/woman) or "elegante" can be used to describe someone who behaves professionally or elegantly.
  • In German, the idiom "höflich und poliert" (polite and well-groomed) can be used to describe someone who possesses good manners and social skills.
  • In Italian, the phrase "elegante e cortese" (elegant and courteous) or "ben vestito e ben allevato" (well-dressed and well-bred) can be used to describe someone who behaves professionally and elegantly.
  • In Russian, the idiom "уроженец общества" (a person born into society) or "имеющий маньеры" (having manners) can be used to describe someone who possesses good social skills and behaves elegantly in any given situation.

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