English Idioms

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Cock and bull story


The idiom "cock and bull story" refers to a tale that is not true or accurate, often an exaggerated or unbelievable story told with the intention of deceiving someone. It can also refer to a situation or plan that seems promising but ultimately fails or disappoints. The phrase comes from the 18th century practice of roasting a bull's head and serving it as a delicacy, which was often accompanied by stories of how well-bred the bull had been and how much effort had gone into raising it.


  • She warned me not to believe his cock and bull story about how he landed the job.
  • The mayor's plan to revitalize the city was nothing more than a cock and bull story meant to appease voters.
  • After hearing his cock and bull story about how he won the lottery, I couldn't help but think he was pulling my leg.
  • When confronted with the evidence, the CEO realized his cock and bull story about the company's financial health had been a lie.
  • Despite her initial skepticism, she eventually fell for the politician's cock and bull story about how he would improve healthcare in the state.

Roots and History

The idiom "cock and bull story" dates back to the early 18th century, when the British practice of roasting a bull's head as a delicacy became popular. The phrase comes from the idea that the meat was often overvalued and praised excessively, just like the stories told about it. Over time, the idiom came to be used more generally to refer to any story or situation that was exaggerated or unbelievable, regardless of its actual value or worth.

Synonyms in English

  • Untrue story
  • Tall tale
  • Embellished story
  • Flimsy excuse
  • Phantom story

Synonyms in other languages

  • La fabrication (French) - This phrase means "the fabrication" and is used to refer to a false or exaggerated story.
  • Die Märchenfabrik (German) - This phrase means "the fairy tale factory" and is used to describe a place where stories are created and told for entertainment purposes.
  • Il raconte des histoires fantastiques (French) - This phrase means "he tells fantastic stories" and is used to describe someone who tells unbelievable tales.
  • La chasse à l'ombre (French) - This phrase means "the shadow hunt" and is used to refer to a situation where someone is trying to deceive or mislead someone else.
  • El cuento de la vaca (Spanish) - This phrase means "the story of the cow" and is a direct translation of the English idiom, used to describe an untrue or exaggerated story.

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