English Idioms

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Code of conduct


The idiom "code of conduct" refers to a set of rules or principles that govern behavior in a particular group, organization, or society. It can also refer to the standards and expectations that individuals are expected to adhere to in order to maintain social order or to achieve a specific goal.


  • The company has a strict code of conduct for its employees to ensure they follow ethical practices.
  • The school's code of conduct outlines what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable among students.
  • The sports team's code of conduct includes rules for player safety and fair play on the field.
  • The government has introduced a new code of conduct for politicians to promote transparency and accountability in public office.
  • The military has a strict code of conduct that its soldiers must follow at all times.

Roots and History

The concept of a "code of conduct" dates back to ancient civilizations, where moral and ethical principles were codified into laws and regulations. In modern times, the term was popularized in the early 20th century when organizations began to adopt formal codes of conduct as a way to promote good behavior and prevent misconduct. Over time, the meaning and usage of the idiom has evolved to encompass a wider range of contexts and scenarios.

Synonyms in English

  • Standard operating procedure
  • Rules and regulations
  • Moral code
  • Ethical guidelines
  • Professional conduct

Synonyms in other languages

  • Codex morum (Latin) - a collection of moral laws or principles
  • Kodeks moralny (Polish) - a collection of moral laws or principles
  • Gesetze (German) - laws or regulations
  • 道德規制 (Japanese) - ethical guidelines or rules
  • 勤潜规则 (Chinese) - rules for good conduct or behavior

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