English Idioms

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Coin money


The idiom "coin money" means to make a lot of money quickly or easily. It is often used to describe someone who is successful in their business or financial investments.


  • The new startup has already coined $1 million in its first year, and it's only getting started.
  • With his talent for investing, John has coined a fortune in the stock market.
  • The company's latest product has been so successful that they're expected to coin money in no time.
  • After years of struggling to make ends meet, Sarah finally found her niche and started coining money.
  • With his charm and charisma, the politician was able to coon money from donors and supporters alike. The usage of "coin money" can vary depending on the context. For example, it can be used in a positive or negative way. A positive usage might indicate that someone is doing well financially, while a negative usage might suggest that someone is only interested in making money and not caring about other aspects of their life.

Roots and History

The idiom "coin money" has its roots in the 17th century when coins were used as currency. In the past, people would try to find ways to coin money by creating counterfeit coins or manipulating the market. Today, the phrase has evolved to mean making a lot of money quickly or easily.

Synonyms in English

  • Strike it rich
  • Make a fortune
  • Hit it big
  • Win the jackpot
  • Strike gold

Synonyms in other languages

  • 赢得大家的喜歡 (Japanese) - To be loved by many people.
  • 铸造富翁 (Chinese) - To mint wealth.
  • חיון נטשקיה (Hebrew) - To earn a living comfortably.
  • נסטבדוכאַתה (Hebrew) - To succeed in business or investing.
  • מלך צרים (Hebrew) - A king who reigns over many people and is successful.

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