English Idioms

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Cold hearted


The idiom "cold-hearted" is used to describe someone who lacks warmth, kindness or compassion, often towards others. It can also refer to a person who is emotionally distant and unresponsive.


  • She was cold-hearted towards her friend when he needed help.
  • The company's management was cold-hearted in their decision to lay off employees.
  • He was cold-hearted towards his ex-girlfriend, refusing to acknowledge their breakup or offer any support.
  • She was accused of being cold-hearted when she refused to help her neighbor with their baby shower.
  • The politician was perceived as cold-hearted by the public for not addressing the issues of poverty and inequality.

Roots and History

The earliest known use of the phrase "cold-hearted" dates back to the early 17th century, with its first recorded appearance in a collection of proverbs from Scotland in 1634. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has remained relatively consistent, although it may have evolved slightly to include a wider range of emotions beyond just "cold" or "unresponsive".

Synonyms in English

  • Heartless
  • Indifferent
  • Unemotional
  • Emotionally detached
  • Insensitive

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: Frío de corazón
  • French: Froid d'hiver
  • German: Kälteherz
  • Italian: Fioco di cuore
  • Portuguese: Frio de coração

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