English Idioms

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Come out


The idiom "come out" can have a literal or figurative meaning depending on the context.

In its literal sense, "come out" means to emerge from a hiding place or a closed space into an open area. For example:

  • The cat came out of the box.
  • She came out of her room when I knocked on her door.

In figurative language, "come out" can be used to mean revealing something that was previously hidden or secret. This idiom is often used to describe the act of confessing a secret, admitting a mistake, or making a public declaration. For example:

  • He came out and admitted his mistakes.
  • She finally came out about her relationship with him.
  • The company came out with a new product that was met with great success.


The idiom "come out" can be used in various contexts, depending on the figurative meaning that is intended. Here are five examples:

  • Confessing a secret: John had been struggling with his addiction for years, but he finally came out about it to his friends and family.
  • Admitting a mistake: When asked about her mistake, she came out and took responsibility for it.
  • Making a public declaration: The company came out with a new CEO who was tasked with turning the company around.
  • Revealing a relationship: After months of denying their relationship, they finally came out about it in front of a live audience.
  • Announcing a product: The company came out with a new line of smartphones that was met with great success.

Roots and History

The idiom "come out" has been used in English since the 16th century, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Its earliest known usage was in the figurative sense, meaning to reveal something that was previously hidden or secret. Over time, the idiom's usage expanded to include the literal meaning of emerging from a closed space into an open area. The idiom is believed to have originated from the act of revealing oneself or one's true identity. In medieval times, people often hid their true identities for various reasons, such as to avoid persecution or to participate in secret societies. The act of coming out and revealing oneself was seen as a brave and courageous act.

Synonyms in English

  • Reveal
  • Disclose
  • Uncover
  • Expose
  • Share

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Déclarer (to declare)
  • Spanish: Declarar (to declare)
  • German: Erklären (to declare)
  • Italian: Dichiarare (to declare)
  • Russian: Объявить (to announce)

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