English Idioms

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Crack up


The idiom "crack up" means to laugh uncontrollably, usually until one is on the verge of tears or sobbing. It can also mean to burst into pieces or to be destroyed or ruined. The figurative meaning of this idiom is often used to describe a sudden and intense feeling of amusement, joy, or delight.


  • "I can't believe how funny that joke was! I cracked up when he told it." - This sentence uses the idiom in a positive context, where someone laughs uncontrollably due to something being extremely funny.
  • "I'm so glad we decided to go on a vacation. It's going to be amazing. I'll crack up if this trip doesn't live up to my expectations." - In this sentence, the idiom is used in a hypothetical context, where someone is expecting a great time and may cry with disappointment if it doesn't meet their expectations.
  • "I can't believe I accidentally spilled coffee on my shirt. That was such a disaster. I'm going to crack up every time I see myself in the mirror." - This sentence uses the idiom in a negative context, where someone experiences disappointment or embarrassment and may laugh uncontrollably due to their misfortune.
  • "I can't believe my friend forgot our anniversary! That's so thoughtless. I'll crack up when he realizes his mistake." - In this sentence, the idiom is used in a negative context, where someone experiences disappointment and may laugh uncontrollably due to their friend's forgetfulness.
  • "I can't believe how quickly things can turn sour. One minute everything seems perfect, and the next minute things fall apart. I'm going to crack up if this project doesn't go smoothly." - This sentence uses the idiom in a more general context, where someone experiences disappointment or frustration due to unexpected events and may laugh uncontrollably.

Roots and History

The idiom "crack up" originated from the old slang term "crack," which means something that is extremely good or enjoyable, such as a joke or music. Over time, this term evolved to mean something that is so funny that it causes one to laugh uncontrollably until they are on the verge of tears or sobbing. The idiom has become more popular in contemporary language and is often used to describe a sudden and intense feeling of amusement, joy, or delight.

Synonyms in English

  • "Burst out laughing" - This idiom means to laugh uncontrollably until one's body is convulsing with laughter.
  • "Completely lose it" - This idiom means to become extremely emotional and cry uncontrollably.
  • "Go hysterical" - This idiom means to become extremely emotional and behave in a dramatic and over-the-top manner.
  • "Laugh out loud" - This idiom is an acronym for "LOL," which is often used to express amusement or humor online.
  • "Roar with laughter" - This idiom means to laugh loudly and intensely, often to the point of being unable to breathe.

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "Ríos de risas" (tears of laughter) - This idiom is used to describe laughter that is so intense that it causes tears to form in one's eyes.
  • French: "Jouer des cordes" (to play the strings) - This idiom means to laugh until one's body is convulsing with laughter.
  • Italian: "Tumulto" (chaos or uproar) - This idiom is used to describe a loud and intense fit of laughter.
  • German: "Seufzen" (to moan or groan) - This idiom means to laugh intensely and with great enthusiasm.
  • Japanese: "Hahahahaha" (laughter) - This phrase is often used to express amusement or humor in Japanese, especially online.

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