English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Cut from the same cloth


The idiom "cut from the same cloth" means that two or more people have similar characteristics, qualities, or backgrounds. It implies that they are alike in some way and share a common bond or connection.


  • The siblings were cut from the same cloth, which is why they always looked out for each other no matter what.
  • Despite being from different countries, the two athletes were cut from the same cloth when it came to their competitive spirit and dedication to their sport.
  • The CEO and the manager were cut from the same cloth, both having a strong work ethic and a focus on achieving their goals.
  • The team members were cut from the same cloth, all being passionate about the cause they were working towards and committed to making a difference.
  • The two friends were cut from the same cloth, both being introverted and preferring quieter environments.

Roots and History

The idiom is believed to have originated in medieval Europe, where fabrics were often made by weaving together pieces of cloth. If two pieces of fabric were similar in color or texture, they would be cut from the same cloth. Over time, the phrase "cut from the same cloth" was applied metaphorically to describe people who shared certain qualities or characteristics.

Synonyms in English

  • Kindred spirits
  • Soulmates
  • Birds of a feather
  • Cut from the same mold
  • A match made in heaven

Synonyms in other languages

  • 同じ種子 (Japanese) - This idiom means that two or more people have similar characteristics or qualities.
  • 兒父相同 (Korean) - This idiom means that a child and their parent share similar traits or personalities.
  • 血維相同 (Chinese) - This idiom means that two or more people are related by blood and share common qualities or characteristics.
  • מוצעדים (Hebrew) - This idiom means that two or more people have similar attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs.
  • ראשוןים (Hebrew) - This idiom means that two or more people are pioneers or innovators in their respective fields.

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