English Idioms

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Cut your coat according to your cloth


The idiom "cut your coat according to your cloth" means that you should behave or act in a way that is appropriate to your situation or status. It suggests that one should not try to be something they are not, or assume a higher position than what they deserve. The phrase is often used to caution someone from overstepping their bounds or being too confident in their abilities.


  • He may have been a successful businessman, but he still cut his coat according to his cloth and never took himself too seriously.
  • She was an aspiring actress, but she knew that she had to work hard and cut her coat according to her cloth before she could achieve her dreams.
  • The politician's speech was well-received by the audience, but some critics felt that he cut his coat too much and sounded out of touch with reality.
  • After being promoted to a higher position in the company, John started cutting his coat according to his cloth and began making more responsible decisions.
  • The new employee was eager to prove herself, but she soon learned that cutting her coat according to her cloth meant working hard and earning respect over time.

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom is unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the medieval period when cloth was expensive and difficult to obtain. If someone could not afford a certain type of fabric for their clothing, they would have to cut their coat according to what they had available. Over time, the phrase evolved to mean cutting one's behavior or actions according to one's abilities or status.

Synonyms in English

  • Stick to your guns
  • Don't put on airs
  • Stay within your means
  • Don't bite off more than you can chew
  • Be humble

Synonyms in other languages

  • En español: "No vengas a más allá de tu misma capacidad".
  • In French: "N'exagère pas vos possibilités".
  • In German: "Übermut ablegen".
  • In Italian: "Non superare le vostre possibilità".
  • In Chinese: "不过自己能力" (bù guò zìjǐ nénglì).

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