English Idioms

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Dab hand


The idiom "dab hand" means someone who is very skilled, competent, or adept in what they do. They have a natural talent or ability that makes them particularly good at their job or task.


  • John is a dab hand at playing the guitar, he's been playing for years and has won several awards for his performances.
  • Sarah is a dab hand at cooking, she can whip up a delicious meal in no time.
  • Tom is a dab hand at fixing cars, he knows what to do and always gets the job done right.
  • Jane is a dab hand at public speaking, she's confident and engaging when presenting to an audience.
  • Bob is a dab hand at playing soccer, he has excellent skills on the field and is known for his impressive goal-scoring abilities.

Roots and History

The idiom "dab hand" originated in Scotland in the 16th century. It was used to describe someone who was particularly skilled or adept in their trade or profession. The term comes from the Scottish dialect of "dap hand," which means "a good hand." Over time, the idiom has been adopted into English and other languages and its meaning has remained relatively consistent.

Synonyms in English

  • Expert
  • Masterful
  • Skilled
  • Proficient
  • Competent

Synonyms in other languages

  • Maestro (Italian) - A skilled musician, composer or conductor.
  • Meister (German) - A master in a craft or trade.
  • Zakładny (Polish) - A very good worker or employee.
  • Mistrz (Bulgarian) - A masterful artist, musician or craftsman.
  • Krasivy kot (Russian) - A very skilled and talented person.

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