English Idioms

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Diamond is forever


The idiom "diamond is forever" means that a diamond, as a symbol of love and commitment, will never lose its value or importance. It implies that the love and commitment represented by the diamond will also last forever.


  • "I gave my wife a diamond engagement ring because I knew it would be a symbol of our eternal love."
  • "My grandmother always said that a diamond is forever, and she made sure to pass down her diamond necklace to me."
  • "When he proposed, he presented her with a beautiful diamond ring to represent their everlasting love."
  • "The diamond in the wedding ring has become a family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation."
  • "Even though the engagement was called off, she still kept the diamond ring because it represented their unbreakable bond."

Roots and History

The idiom "diamond is forever" originated in the early 20th century when diamonds became popular as symbols of love and commitment. The first known use of the phrase can be traced back to a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in 1847, where she wrote, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight for the ends of being and ideal grace." In this poem, Browning used the phrase "diamond" as a metaphor for something precious and everlasting. Over time, the idiom evolved to become more closely associated with diamonds specifically. Today, it is commonly used to describe the enduring value and importance of love and commitment.

Synonyms in English

  • Love will last forever
  • Our love will never fade
  • A love that never dies
  • A bond that lasts a lifetime
  • The flame of love will burn brightly forever

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French, "l'amour durera toujours" (love will last forever)
  • In Spanish, "el amor es eterno" (love is eternal)
  • In Italian, "l'amore è eterno" (love is eternal)
  • In Portuguese, "o amor é eterno" (love is eternal)
  • In German, "die Liebe wird ewig leben" (love will live forever)

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