English Idioms

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Die hard


The idiom "die hard" means to be extremely stubborn or resistant to change, especially when it comes to personal beliefs or opinions. It can also mean someone who is very determined and persistent in their efforts.


  • John has always been a die-hard conservative, even when faced with evidence that his views are outdated.
  • She's a die-hard fitness enthusiast and spends hours at the gym every day.
  • Despite receiving criticism from colleagues, he remained a die-hard advocate for his project.
  • He's a die-hard football fan and knows everything about the game.
  • The protesters were die-hard activists who were willing to risk their safety to make their point.

Roots and History

The idiom "die hard" is believed to have originated in the United States during the 19th century. It was commonly used to describe someone who was extremely stubborn or resistant to change, especially when it came to personal beliefs or opinions. The phrase may have been influenced by the idea of someone dying for their beliefs, even if they were ultimately unfounded or outdated.

Synonyms in English

  • Tenacious
  • Persistent
  • Stubborn
  • Dogmatic
  • Unyielding

Synonyms in other languages

  • 牲犬 (Chinese) - This phrase translates to "dogmatic" or "deadly serious". It refers to someone who is extremely stubborn and unwilling to change their mind.
  • 決心不變 (Japanese) - This phrase translates to "determined not to change". It refers to someone who is very determined and persistent in their efforts, even if it means going against the norm or expectations.
  • 迷失精神 (French) - This phrase translates to "lose hope". It refers to someone who has become so stubborn or resistant to change that they have lost sight of the bigger picture and become hopeless.
  • 決意不變 (Spanish) - This phrase translates to "determined not to change". It refers to someone who is very determined and persistent in their efforts, even if it means going against the norm or expectations.
  • 耐心不變 (Portuguese) - This phrase translates to "persistent". It refers to someone who is very determined and persistent in their efforts, even if it means going against the norm or expectations.

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