English Idioms

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Eager beaver


The idiom "eager beaver" is used to describe someone who is extremely eager or enthusiastic about doing something, often to an excessive degree. It can also refer to someone who is highly diligent and hardworking, always ready to take on new tasks and responsibilities. The figurative meaning of this phrase is that the person in question is like a beaver who works tirelessly to build dams and create a home for themselves, constantly working to improve their surroundings.


  • As soon as she got hired at the company, the new employee was eager to prove herself and quickly became known as an eager beaver.
  • Despite being sick, John still went into work with a smile on his face, as he is always an eager beaver when it comes to his job.
  • The team's leader was praised for her eagerness to take on new challenges, making her an eager beaver in the eyes of her colleagues.
  • When it comes to studying for exams, some students are just eager beavers who work tirelessly to achieve their goals.
  • The company has been praised for its culture of innovation and eagerness to embrace change, making it a popular place to work for those who share these values.

Roots and History

The origins of the phrase "eager beaver" are not entirely clear, but there are several theories about where it comes from. One theory suggests that it originated in the United States during the early 20th century, when people who were eager to work hard and earn money were compared to beavers who tirelessly build dams and create homes for themselves. Another theory suggests that the phrase originated in Canada, where beavers are known for their industriousness and diligence. Over time, the meaning of the phrase has remained relatively consistent, with people using it to describe someone who is highly enthusiastic or diligent about doing something. However, the usage of the phrase has varied depending on the context in which it is used. For example, it can be used to describe someone who is overly eager to please or someone who is constantly working hard and pushing themselves to achieve their goals.

Synonyms in English

  • Diligent worker
  • Enthusiastic employee
  • Workaholic
  • Pioneer
  • Determined individual

Synonyms in other languages

  • Japonais: 勧怠者 (kanjite) - This phrase translates to "diligent worker" and is commonly used to describe someone who is highly dedicated to their work.
  • Français: Le travail à fond la tasse (Travail à fond le tasse) - This phrase translates to "working like mad" and is often used to describe someone who is working extremely hard on a project or task.
  • German: Fleißiger Arbeitnehmer (Fleißiger Arbeitnehmer) - This phrase translates to "diligent worker" and is commonly used to describe someone who is highly dedicated to their work.
  • Italian: Sconvolgente (Sconvolgente) - This phrase translates to "enthusiastic" and is often used to describe someone who is extremely passionate about a particular topic or activity.
  • Spanish: Apasionado/a (Apasionado/a) - This phrase translates to "enthusiastic" and is commonly used to describe someone who is highly passionate about a particular topic or activity.

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