English Idioms

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Elvis has left the building


"Elvis has left the building" is an idiomatic expression used to indicate that someone famous or important has departed from a location. The phrase originates from a real event when Elvis Presley died in 1977, and it gained widespread use as a way to express shock or disappointment.


  • "Elvis has left the building," said John, disappointed that he wouldn't be able to meet his hero.
  • When I heard the news about Elvis' death, I couldn't believe it. "Elvis has left the building," I muttered to myself in disbelief.
  • The concert was a huge success, but when the headliner cancelled unexpectedly, the crowd felt betrayed. "Elvis has left the building," one fan whispered angrily.
  • As I watched the news about Elvis' passing, I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. "Elvis has left the building," I thought to myself, missing the iconic figure who had brought so much joy to my childhood.
  • When I heard that the restaurant was closing down, I felt a pang in my heart. "Elvis has left the building," I lamented, realizing that I may never get to taste their famous dishes again.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom can be traced back to 1977 when Elvis Presley died. According to legend, a security guard at his funeral was asked by a reporter if Elvis was still alive. The guard replied, "I don't know, he left the building." From that point on, the phrase became associated with famous figures who had passed away or were no longer in a particular location. Over time, the idiom has been used in various contexts, including to express disappointment when someone famous cancels an event or doesn't show up at a party.

Synonyms in English

  • The celebrity/star has departed
  • The famous figure has left
  • The iconic person has passed away
  • The important individual has departed
  • The well-known figure has left the scene

Synonyms in other languages

  • La star ha lasciato l'hotel (Spanish) - This means "The star has left the hotel."
  • El célebre ha dejado el lugar (French) - This translates to "The famous person has left the place."
  • 人物已經離开了 (Chinese) - This means "The person of importance has already left."
  • 明星已經逐離了這里 (Mandarin Chinese) - This translates to "The star has already left this place."
  • Der Superstar ist entwiesen gegangen (German) - This means "The superstar has left the scene."

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