English Idioms

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End of story


The idiom "end of story" is used to indicate that there is nothing more to be said or explained about a particular topic, event, or situation. It means that the conclusion has been reached and there is no further information or details available. The phrase can also be used to signal that a conversation or discussion has come to an end.


  • After hearing all the evidence, the judge said, "That's the end of the story."
  • When I asked my friend about his job, he replied, "It's not worth going into the details. The end of the story is that he's unhappy there."
  • The reporter wrapped up her report by saying, "And that concludes our coverage of the incident. The end of the story is that nothing has changed since yesterday."
  • My colleague and I had a heated argument, but we eventually came to an agreement. He said, "Okay, let's put an end to this discussion and move on to more important things."
  • When the movie ended, everyone in the theater clapped and cheered. The end of the story was that they were happy with how it turned out.

Roots and History

The idiom "end of story" is believed to have originated from the early 1900s. It was used by writers and journalists to signal the conclusion of a narrative or report. Over time, the phrase has been adopted by everyday speech and has taken on a broader meaning. The figurative meaning of the idiom may vary depending on the context in which it is used.

Synonyms in English

  • The bottom line is...
  • That's all she wrote...
  • That's that...
  • To cut to the chase...
  • In conclusion...

Synonyms in other languages

  • 彼は文章の終わりを表す文章を書いています。(Japanese) - "He wrote an article that concludes the story."
  • هذا는 스토리의 마지막입니다. (Korean) - "This is the end of the story."
  • فينلدة الأسباع الجزء الثالث هو أخر موضع الغور. (Arabic) - "The third episode of the series is the end of the story."
  • تأملو الفيندالة كينية صححاا بنا الحوضرقة ، هذا هو مجموع البخشارات ، أخر مغازة المجلس. (Arabic) - "We are tired of the Chinese TV drama, this is the end of the story, it's the last episode of the series."
  • هذا النوعية هو الأخر منبثالة المجلس. (Arabic) - "This is the last episode of the TV drama."

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